I built this bike in the spring of 2018 to commute to work more quickly. At the time my commute was 26 miles round-trip. This bike let allowed me to travel the 13-mile one-way trip only five minutes slower than traveling by car. Here are some pictures! The build is a mid-drive BBS02 kit which …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Auxiliary Truck Battery
I used to have an old Nissan Frontier that was outfitted for off-road adventure in the southern Appalachians. One day I went off-roading and almost got trapped behind a blocked trail. Getting out ended up tearing the front bumper off of my truck and as a result of that experience, I built a solar panel …
Everyone needs a project that gets them started with a new technology, but I’m a little late to the party on this one. It seems like everyone is throwing lithium batteries in their projects, but I’ve never really gotten around to playing with one. They have really finicky charging requirements, which can result in fire …
Bluetooth in a 60s-era Record Player
My grandparents recently moved out of a five-bedroom split-level house into a two-bedroom apartment in a retirement community. When they moved they asked me if I wanted any furniture out of their house for my own house, and I immediately responded yes, I wanted their record player. I know, you might be thinking “a record …
Sunrise Alarm Clock
I usually get pretty aggravated when I get asked if I’m bored by someone who sees me yawn, especially at work. There’s a major difference between being bored and being tired! To that end, I decided I’d make a sunrise alarm clock to help improve my sleeping habits. The idea here is that a gradual …
FAA Light
A few weeks ago I got an FAA warning light to play around with. The light goes on top of tall poles or buildings to warn airplanes. As it happens I was looking for a red LED to go in my bathroom. The idea is that red won’t confuse my brain into thinking it’s daytime …
Pictures from the Beetle’s Carburetor Rebuild
A lot has been going on lately. I sold a house, moved to the city, started a second job, and just started studying for the Professional Engineering exam. So putting pictures of the Beetle’s carburetor (34 PICT-3) has kind of taken a back seat, so to speak. Anyway, here are some of the highlights! The …
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The Beetle!
So I haven’t been doing a whole lot of electronics projects lately because a few months ago I decided my mechanical skills could use some work, and my latest project has tested my limits in that field! It’s… A 1972 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE! So exciting! What makes it “super” is that the front suspension is …
Before and After!
After over three and a half years, I finally needed a new set of tires for my unstoppable beast of a pickup truck. My last set were 31″ 10.50 BFG All-Terrains (thanks for the graduation present, Mom and Dad!) which did very well in the relatively dry mountainous South Carolina trails where I used to …
I decided that it was about time to restore my old turntable. It’s a Technics SL-D35 direct-drive turntable which I believe is a model from the late-70’s or early-80’s. I had to fiddle around with the motor control electronics because it was playing at a very inconsistent speed. Then I cleaned everything with electronics cleaner, …